How I set up my simple Patreon Alternative on my site~

Well well well,

Here we go. Youtube video time below:

Now the question is: Does the Youtube video embed show up in the emails that get sent out to you? Or is that something that you have to view on my studio itself? Who knows! What a wonderful magical journey it is to be making your own home on the internet! Never any kind of hiccups or wonkiness!

Yes, that’s also what the video is about.

It’s like poetry.

Much love to you all <3

And if I’m making the second video I’m going to need another bottle of rum.


4 responses to “How I set up my simple Patreon Alternative on my site~”

  1. pogono avatar

    There is no video preview for me in Mail on OSX Sequoia.

    1. Comicatrix avatar

      Of course there isn’t! Why would there be! Why would things be easy when they can be frustrating XD

      (thank you for checking and letting me know XD)

  2. draculing avatar

    In gmail, the video showed up for me as an attachment at the bottom of the email, with a youtube link in the body. So maybe not embedding as intended, but both seem to work, fwiw!

    1. Comicatrix avatar

      Oh great! So it’s different depending on where it arrives to – that’s So Very Typical 😀 Thanks for letting me know!

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