We have them! They work a bit differently to the goals that Patreon used to have, in the way that you need to set a specific time-frame for things to be accomplished. Think more like… How goals work on twitch.
This page is where I’m going to be having fun experimenting with my Studio Goals!
So let’s kick us off with a Total Studio Members progress bar!
If we hit 69 members I will start work on a new Jenitales and show you >:)

Below are screenshots of the old goals – just to save them for future Jen (and maybe members?!) to look back at and hopefully feel all proud and stuff.
The first proper goal I set for this new studio space [Retired on 06/12/2024]:

And here are the very old goals I had for my Patreon, way way back, but redone for this website. That was before I properly figured out how the goals function here, so I retired them pretty quickly – but it’s fun to look back at and remember the Page Rate goals I used to have on my Patreon: