If you’ve been reading some of my blog-posts or watched any of my rambly youtube videos, you’ll know that I’ve been busy setting up an alternative payment gateway on my website – alongside all the usual ones.

Simply put: I don’t want to be completely beholden to just Stripe and Paypal for my studio memberships – especially as a full-time paint-slinging internet-dwelling comic-artist. I want to use an alternate processor as well, for that extra long-term safety and peace of mind over on my end. It also helps if said processor has better terms and fees than the others mentioned.

By using Elavon!
This processor works with UK businesses, big and small. Yes, they even have one of those card machines that you can use at comic cons! Here’s mine!

I spent over a month going through all the checks and setup needed to be a Business Lady with them, and now here we are: With me being able to take in-person card payments at events and online orders through my shop!
The last – and most important – service is me being able to take Subscription Payments for my Studio Memberships!

This is why I’ve separated this payment option from the main membership page. Instead of it being a one-click-thing with Stripe, you need to go for one of the tiers below and manually select Elavon as your payment method.
These are the steps:
Pick the Membership tier that you like as usual!
Nesting Tier [Studio Membership]£2.00 every 1 months
Hatching Tier [Studio Membership]£3.00 every 1 months
Flapping Tier [Studio Membership]£5.00 every 1 months
Soaring Tier [Studio Membership]£10.00 every 1 months
ELDER GODLIKE Tier [Studio Membership]£20.00 every 1 months
Spicy Studio Pup Tier [Studio Membership]£40.00 every 1 months
Add it to your basket, check out and pick Elavon Payments:

[UPDATE 19/12/2024]
You should be able to just pick Elavon Payments and have it all go through smoothly and you’re done!
Over on my end, I still have to click to approve you, but there should be no error messages or anything for you, *touch wood*.
Long term, I want to gently convince people to use Elavon instead of Stripe, but we gotta iron out the jank and make it more appealing than the One-Click-Wonder of Stripe.
If you want to go for this payment processor, I can only thank you with my whole heart for choosing to navigate the online weeds with me!