Category: Jenspiration
From the Archive [2010-2018] – Stay awake Jennie!
Hmm, so I wasn’t entirely sure whether I was gonna include this old comic from my Jenspiration archive. It really shows when things were going wrong for me in my personal life and I was trying to distract myself in […]
From the Archive [2010-2018] – The early comic con days
This is so nostalgic for me! Not only was this (I believe) my second time actually having my own table at a comic con, but it was also where my Husbeard became more of a friend… Of course, he is […]
From the Archive [2010-2018] – It’s like another drink, but for free!
Awwwww – I think this is the first comic I did of my Husbeard – way before he was anything like that. He wasn’t even The Beard at this point. Look at his cleanshaven face. What a disgrace!
From the Archive [2010-2018] – You’re so creative!
Early days of full-time artistry and imposter syndrome seems to become a factor – Oooh boy 😀
From the Archive [2010-2018] – It’s official
Handing in my notice at the golf course cafe would mark the end of my “normal” jobs era – I mean… For now. Who knows what happens in the future 😀 But it was a very weird feeling!
From the Archive [2010-2018] – A history of part time jobs in the UK
Hooooly heck the things you get to experience when you have various types of service jobs! This comic was made just before I was about to hand in my notice to essentially become a full-time comic book creator. That… would […]
From the Archive [2010-2018] – Never trust the changing room curtains
I have nothing to say other than *cringes into own seat while re-reading this old comic*
From the Archive [2010-2018] – Peck on the CHEEK.
This was (again) from way back when I had a part-time job at a golf course (which also included working in the kitchen). Many hetero-drama convos were had with the other women in the kitchen.
From the Archive [2010-2018] – Want to bet on a horse?
I had completely forgot about this interaction until I dug through the archives, and.. Oh boy! It’s a younger Jen at the part time job, pre-ADHD diagnosis (so about to experience some post-yap-regret) and pre being Vegan. Honestly going vegan […]
From the Archive [2010-2018] –ESCHER GIRL ME!
Looking at this old (pre 2010 I think!?) comic made me wonder if the escher girl page is still a thing, so I quickly googled it and, Yes! Except they’re a website now: My old Jenspiration was drawn way […]